Monday 1 December 2014

DIY Cardboard Letter

So one afternoon, as my little angel was sleeping I thought of doing something creative. Even tired and all, crafting relaxes me. Weird eh?

As a Pinterest addict, I remembered some letters made of cardboards. I was curious to see if I could actually do it, wooden letters are quite expensive in here. That's why I was quite keen to give it a go.

So here it is.  Pretty easy to do.

Friday 14 November 2014

Motherhood: The Beginning of a Wonderful Adventure

I've been MIA for nearly four months now. Phew, been that long!

So, I gave birth last 25th of July to a healthy and the most handsome baby boy. We've named him Joshua Harry. Oh the long wait had all been worth it. And oh, pregnancy had been alright, no complications whatsoever. Not until on the 36th week, Joshua didn't turn and I was warned that I'd have about barely a month to see if he turns, if not, I'd have to go through C-section. I'm not really fussy, but I did expect and wanted if possible to have a normal delivery. We weren't worried as I was healthy, so does Joshua. The only thing that stressed and made us worry was the last minute problem we came across with our insurance and at the same time, I had to give birth on my 39th week with was the week Ramadan would end, they call it Eid. So, we had to look for a new doctor and new hospital from another city to do the C-scetion. Luckily, we were able to do so. Woop! I will blog about our insurance and the problem we came across with them as it's sort of a very long story and not to mention, very irritating and disappointing.

My doctor and the hospital were outstanding. Although, I was scheduled to go through C-section on the 24th, they had to send us home as they had a few emergencies that made the NICU full. We were told that it's SOP to not go thru the scheduled elective surgeries when there's no space on their NICU. They say, even when the baby is very healthy, you can never tell what happens and the baby might need to be in it if ever there'd be any complications. Of course I understand, but with it getting canceled, it only made me even more excited and more impatient to finally see our darling little man.

So yeah, I have a growing, demanding baby (lol) and (sulking) dogs to take care of. Ohhh yes, life is a roller coaster.

Monday 21 July 2014

Nursery Wall Art

Finally, that one wall in our baby's nursery room had been painted. Yipee!

It is just one wall, but mind you, it took my husband about two months to get started (the busy bee that he is). It was so funny. He started from scratch to the first coat and didn't finished it fully. Just right after finishing the first coat, for some reason he had a very bad back pain that he could barely walk for about a day and a half. He is alright now, he reckons that it was just a trapped nerve. ha!

Thankfully, my brother in law and a good friend finished that one special wall. Ha ha ha!

Anyway, right now I have not posted a photo of the whole room as it still needs a bit of organising. 

This is how it looks like with our son's crib againts the wall.

These were the wall arts I made the other day.

Dear husband hasn't put the canvases up the wall yet. But because I can't wait to see how it would look like, I took a photo of each of the canvas and edited it on my phone and voila! 

Hopefully, dear husband will be able to put these all up before our son is born. lol!

Saturday 5 July 2014

A Dollar Shop Concept: My Daiso Finds (July)

A few days ago, I went for grocery shopping at the Ibn Battuta Mall. And managed to quickly drop by the Daiso shop.

Just managed to get a few things. And here are what I bought. 

Found these bobbins. Was too happy to have these as I 
originally have 2 and what a hassle it had been most 
especially when dealing with different colours. And 
just had to get the girly measuring tape as well.
Just a mix of things. Poles/ rods, felt cloths, 
book end stopper and a laptop sleeve.

Some fabric tapes that I'm sure I'd be able to use on 
some DIY projects pretty soon.

Just some stick glue that I need to stock and a crafting
 glue that I'm going to try and see if its great. 
If it is then thats really a good find for 7.00 AED.

Some kitchen stuff: Strainer and jars.

Just showing some of the jars and sizes available. I know 
that some mason jars tend to be expensive and these 
are definitely nice enough and cheap ones.

Like I said before, I would keep coming back and look for new items they'd have. I would also love to visit their other branches particularly the one at the Oasis Centre. However, as of the moment, even their small shop at Ibn is enough for now.

Saturday 28 June 2014

World Cup 2014

This is obviously not DIY related at all, however, I just wanted to say a few things.

Never had I been into football before, I am not quite into sports myself but lately, all because of my friends and husband, I seem to get into it a little. Or at times, I have actually blamed the interest on my unborn child (having a baby boy very soon, yey!) and to my English husband. Oh, all the talks and plans he's got for him and our little boy's future activities, mostly about football. Even as far as saying they will be going to the World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Of which he says, our son will be about 8 and old enough to go. 

I Support England obviously because of my dear husband, but seeing their performance and current exit from the Cup, I jokingly told him, well, if you're taking our son to Qatar in 2022, won't you both be disappointed, as of the moment, even having Rooney and Gerard on the squad didn't helped much at all, how much more 8 years from now when there's no other younger players that seems to be promising to lead the team! He said, well, we shall see.

This was Yogi on that day England was playing and a match that would would decide they were in had they won. But we know they didn't.  Even then, Yogi wasn't too happy with what's happening. Lol!

We've watched the England matches and other relevant ones so far. I have to say, I think my husband has now managed to traumatise one of our dogs. We have two, Yogi and Dylan. Dylan couldn't care less, he would be up once in a while when darling husband shouts, but Yogi, even when he is very sleepy refuses to sleep and each time he hears his dad's shouting, he would be scared, would hide and at some point, I realised was shaking. The poor doggy. 

I have to also add that the World Cup this year is full of surprises. From the previous champions, Spain playing poorly and is now out, to most of European countries like Italy & England being out and not made it to the round of 16, now as well to most of South American teams playing too well and to some biting on the pitch. Even I can't believe what I'm saying but this football "thing" is starting to really get me very interested. Ha!

Personally, I don't have a team in mind that I'd like to root for as of the moment. Needless to say, it would be interesting to see who the champions would be. 

Friday 20 June 2014

Declutter on the cheap: Organizing supplies from Daiso

I just have to say that going to Daiso is a fantastic experience. Not to mention, a cheaper option. Don't get me wrong, their product range are nowhere near as extensive as that of Ikea's but you will find a lot of interesting things in there.

Daiso is sort of like a dollar store. They sell most of their products at 7.00 AED unless specified. So when you're at their shop, items without price tags are all priced at 7.00 Dirhams and items that are priced differently would have tags on them.

It would be fair to assume that once you go there, you won't leave without buying anything, even if just one or two items.

I still am working on organizing our house and honestly nowhere near at achieving my goal yet. But doing it slowly is better than not doing anything at all, right?

Below are few of the items I've used from Daiso:

   They have a lot of boxes in different colours, shapes and sizes at their store that you could      choose from.

I used this organizer in the fridge as it fits inside. But you could definitely use it as well in the pantry or cabinet. 

Magnetic Hooks

Stretching Poles or rods, I love that they have these little and short ones that you can use either
like I used it in the photo or as well as under the kitchen sink.

Here, I used the poles as curtain rod in our kitchen window. We looked for short rods at Ace hardware before but couldn't find some.

I couldn't wait for my next visit to Daiso one of these days. I need to get more organizers. And I will try my best to get photos whilst at the shop.

Check their website  to find out which shop is near you.

Ta! 'Til next time.

Friday 13 June 2014

Weekend DIY Inspiration

In this part of the world, weekend falls on Fridays and Saturdays (for the lucky ones). Well, I can say for most and for some, they only get one day off, Friday.

So today,I had a lot of plans but here I am, on the couch and is feeling tired even when I've barely done anything yet really. Anyway, I've decided to just take things slow and do things when I feel well rested. 

Here are the inspiration photos for kitchen, pantry, pet station and storage organization. Stumbled upon this blog about organizing and I have since been really inspired. Go on ahead to for a lot more ideas and I swear you all would love them as well!

Photos are all from

Ahhh, now that really is something. I've got to get my acts together and start organizing!

Wish me luck!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Where Do I Start?

Here I am, sat in bed and should be asleep by now. But I obviously am not.

Will be 33 weeks pregnant this weekend, and just recently stopped working. Nearly two weeks just being at home with our two dogs, I can officially say that I am quite bored. Oddly enough, when I got pregnant, even when I was still working, I just felt the need to clean all the time, organize and decorate the house. (Of which I have to admit, only the cleaning part I have done and not the organizing and decorating.) Having a full time job, being a wife, mummy to 2 doggies and being pregnant proved to be quite challenging to say the least.

When I stopped working, I remember telling myself that I will now have so much time to do what I've always wanted to do. But boy was I wrong! Doing simple and  basic things now leaves me breathless.

But, I am very much positive still that slowly, I'd get to adjust and be able to do little projects here and there. No matter how slow my pace might be, it's still better than nothing. Right?

Now, let's talk DIY. Since Uni Days, about 10 years ago or so, I've been fond of DIYing. I used to customize my clothes and used to make my own bags. Back then, I couldn't afford most of the materials and as well as an electric sewing machine. So, I just sew things by hand. Yup, even the bags. I was particularly into turning old jeans into bags. Too bad don't really have old photos of my creations. And yes, couldn't afford a camera then as well.

The past months, I've been quite into Pinterest and I love it. There's just too many inspirations out there and I am very much inspired to do my own thing again/ However, my creativity seems to be taking quite sometime to kick in again. Probably because there's too much to do and I didn't know where to start before. But now, I do. I need to organize our house first before I can start with any projects really. That way, everything is tidy and in exchange, would as well have a clear mind.

So, I will use this blog to sort of document my ahm, struggles. Ha ha ha! Well, I would really love to see how far it'll take me. I want this to  be something I'd regularly do even after I've popped our first born.

Anyway, it's nearly midnight where I'm at now and I have to get some sleep. Goodnight!

Dylan, one of my baby doggies says "Nanyt, sleepy sleepy tight!"