Thursday 12 June 2014

Where Do I Start?

Here I am, sat in bed and should be asleep by now. But I obviously am not.

Will be 33 weeks pregnant this weekend, and just recently stopped working. Nearly two weeks just being at home with our two dogs, I can officially say that I am quite bored. Oddly enough, when I got pregnant, even when I was still working, I just felt the need to clean all the time, organize and decorate the house. (Of which I have to admit, only the cleaning part I have done and not the organizing and decorating.) Having a full time job, being a wife, mummy to 2 doggies and being pregnant proved to be quite challenging to say the least.

When I stopped working, I remember telling myself that I will now have so much time to do what I've always wanted to do. But boy was I wrong! Doing simple and  basic things now leaves me breathless.

But, I am very much positive still that slowly, I'd get to adjust and be able to do little projects here and there. No matter how slow my pace might be, it's still better than nothing. Right?

Now, let's talk DIY. Since Uni Days, about 10 years ago or so, I've been fond of DIYing. I used to customize my clothes and used to make my own bags. Back then, I couldn't afford most of the materials and as well as an electric sewing machine. So, I just sew things by hand. Yup, even the bags. I was particularly into turning old jeans into bags. Too bad don't really have old photos of my creations. And yes, couldn't afford a camera then as well.

The past months, I've been quite into Pinterest and I love it. There's just too many inspirations out there and I am very much inspired to do my own thing again/ However, my creativity seems to be taking quite sometime to kick in again. Probably because there's too much to do and I didn't know where to start before. But now, I do. I need to organize our house first before I can start with any projects really. That way, everything is tidy and in exchange, would as well have a clear mind.

So, I will use this blog to sort of document my ahm, struggles. Ha ha ha! Well, I would really love to see how far it'll take me. I want this to  be something I'd regularly do even after I've popped our first born.

Anyway, it's nearly midnight where I'm at now and I have to get some sleep. Goodnight!

Dylan, one of my baby doggies says "Nanyt, sleepy sleepy tight!"


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